How can it start automatically when the IP address has changed but the IP address in setup file is still the same.. it can't start automatically then unless you rewrite the IP address. I don't know.. in case there's something what should rewrite that IP automatically, then it didn't work.
It's been a few weeks since we have made a partnership deal with, but we couldn't announce it due to the website wasn't available and the part of the deal is propagation on the website as well.
Gaming Solutions provide not only first-rate Live for Speed servers with low latency and for the price which is probably the cheapest ever seen on LFS so far, but also game servers for many other games, dedicated servers, voice servers and web hosting programs.
There are several locations of which you can choose. UK, Germany, France, Belgium or Florida (US). Just pick a one which is nearest to you so the latency will be even lower, or pick the UK one if you plan to run an international league on it or some global public server.
If you are interested in Live for Speed servers, you can get a full 47 slots one for only £38.40 a year. Or if you want something smaller, the prices start on £2.50. Just go to -> Services -> Game Servers -> Live for Speed.
Try to clean the pedals as much as possible and then spread WD-40 all over it especially into the potenciometres properly. I always opened only the back part of pedals and did everything from there... then waited like half a hour or a hour and it was working well again. Dunno, maybe dont need to wait at all, but I just wasn't sure. The WD-40 is made for those things as electrical contacts etc. and it cleans plus it's a lubricator.
Your REAL Name: Michal Saidl Your LFS Licence Name: Drift King CZ Requested Car Number: 86 Your Country: Czech Republic Your Team: Tiger Express Motorsports